Sixty-One inspires, enables and supports the community in Greater Bristol to help people with a criminal conviction lead crime-free and meaningful lives. We primarily do this through working with the church - but we do not proselytise. We also work with nine partner charities and local business. Relational support is at the heart of our work and is provided through mentoring, befriending, community Hubs, partnerships and other activity.
Our most important resources are the individuals and groups who volunteer their time to help people who have been in prison. We currently have over 70 trained volunteer mentors - who are supported through our MentorMe project - and strong links with over 30 churches across the city. These churches not only provide financial and practical help, but some also run Hubs providing mid-week support to ex-prisoners.
Relational community-based work is at the heart of our approach. Many people in and who have left prison tell us that they are treated like problems to be fixed, rather than human beings. What they need are people who are interested in them as people, and who are willing to journey with them as they look to rebuild crime-free lives.
Our six-person team has over 40 years’ experience working in the criminal justice sector.
About us